Motor Action Media interviews the extremely popular Arenacross racer, “Stank dog”.
Motor Action Media: Gared, could you tell me how you got involved in dirtbike racing? When did you decide to start racing Arenacross?
I got my first bike when I was 3 years old, my dad got me a JR 50 for Christmas! When I was 4 he took me to my very first race in Salem, Oregon and it was in an indoor horse arena. I was hooked ever sense. I decided to race Arenacross in 2013 when I realized that I had been racing Supercross for 3 years and have gotten top 10 in West Lites before and made zero dollars, got no recognition, and no one there — including the teams — are friendly! My very first Arenacross race they welcomed be with open hands and have been a big part of my racing the last 3 years.
MAM: What advice do you have for racers who would like to get involved in Arenacross? What does it take to be a great Arenacross racer?
I would tell any upcoming racer to have fun with it. You’re only able to do this for so long and you need to enjoy every second of it. As far as what it takes to be a good Arenacross racer practice your whoops, starts and corners kids. Being top 16 in practice and top 4 in your heat will make your starts a lot easier. Also being smart in your racing choices will determine your overall results.
MAM: Can you tell me about your bike, you have been looking incredibly fast this season!
Thank you! My bike all season has been awesome with Randy Blair at Airemx doing my suspension and Jim Haesekar at Haesekar Racing doing my motors I believe my program is just as good if not better than my competition. I wasn’t too thrilled with the track this weekend but made the best of it.
MAM: You have been extremely competitive in the Head2Head bracket racing, what does it take to turn out the fastest lap?
There’s no such thing as a perfect lap you can always improve and make things better. Throwing down the fast lap will be limiting your mistakes and just hitting your marks we all are so close and doing the same thing out there that the guy who is the fastest usually has the least mistakes.
MAM: What goals do you have for this season?
I want to improve from my past seasons results.2013 I was 10th 2014 I was 8th. This sport takes steady improvement you can look at any big name and it takes a good amount of years to become a title contender. As long as I’m always improving you’ll see me smiling.
MAM: You are pretty well known for your interesting riding style (I think I have heard it be called Stank-style?) and sweet ‘stache, what do you have to say about that?
[Laughs] yeah everyone seems to like the stash, and it seems to fit me so I just run it! The stankstyle I’m not really sure where it came from but I can remember some kid a couple years ago telling me, “man you have some stanky style” so I just ran with stankstyle.
MAM: Have you tried using Jet Skis for cross-training? Or considered racing them?
Yes I have jet skied before, I feel for cross training stand-up is where it’s at! It has a similar feel to dirt bikes and they are a ton of fun. Racing them has crossed my mind but maybe in another chapter in my life for right now that chapter is Arenacross.
MAM: How do you mentally prepare for a weekend of racing?
I like to start the day before the racing starts, just by keeping myself calm and being happy! No worries and no stress. Friday mornings or Saturdays is game time so I just do the same thing, and also have fun. If all of those things work out for me I normally have a great weekend.
MAM: hat do you love the most about racing dirtbikes?
The most thing I love about it is the thrill, there’s no other thing in the world that has given me the feeling that I get every time I ride a dirt bike, whether it be a pit bike to a clapped out 450 I just love riding!
MAM: Is there anyone you would like to thank?
First off Motosport.com, Lauerman mx, Haeseker racing, Motosport Hillsboro, luevanos racing, fly, Scott, no-toil, ankle-savers, yoshimura, vertex. If it wasn’t for any of them I wouldn’t be racing.