EXCLUSIVE: Pro Watercraft Racing.com unveils new product line

The team at Pro Watercraft Racing.com has been cranking out some of the highest quality handling components for personal watercraft. After months of testing, owner Chris Hagest called up MotorActionMedia.com and dished with great excitement about the brand new line of handling components that Pro Watercraft Racing.com is set to unveil TODAY.

Riders can expect something completely game-changing from this new line up — the team at Pro Watercraft Racing.com has discovered a new material that is unlike anything that has ever been used before. Hagest explained it to us, and we think he is right on the money:

Our new material evolved from a mixture of several components and years of testing. Once we discovered the potential of “flex” we refined the compression  and rebound of the material to respond to rider weight and water conditions. As a result a light rider and a heavy rider can use the same ride plate with similar performance. The HFC Hybrid Flex Composite acts like suspension for a dirt bike, water is a surface that is not ridge, so the product we designed adjust and conforms to improve stability, reduce subbing and improves rear grip.

The rigid products ARE a thing of the past, the difference is enough for any rider to notice and once more racers realize that their current set up is holding them back from winning…. for me the writing is on the wall. Our industry is about to change, be educated, and for once we will lead the way in technology for other “water” like industries to use our technology. We are very excited, my development team has worked hard and we continue to work everyday on evolving our industry. Like we always say #drivenbypassion.

– Chris Hagest, Owner of Pro Watercraft Racing.com

Even with this ground breaking announcement, Hagest refuses to slow down. The team at Pro Watercraft Racing.com will continue to evolve — testing and working to provide the best quality handling components for racers everywhere.

Be sure to stay glued to the Pro Watercraft Racing.com Facebook page, as they will unveil the official line at noon today. Find them on Facebook by clicking here.




And tune into the Sunday Scoop this week for a feature on the new product line.