Jessie’s Excellent Jet Ski Adventures: How it all began

Way back when my dad was in highschool he got his first jetski. It was a JS 440 Kawasaki standup (He still has it today), and so he asked us if we wanted to start riding. On a nice weekend about three or four years ago, my dad (aka The Bossman) drove me and my sister to Clinton Lake. When we got there, there was a jetski race in progress. My dad asked if we wanted to race next year and obviously we said yes. Since I was only nine years old I had to wait until I was ten before I could race, and my sister waited to race to so that when I was old enough we could start racing the same year. I was excited to get into jetskiing because I thought I could be known for something that was really unique and I thought that it would make my summers a lot more fun, and I was right! I always think back to when I first started racing and see how far I’ve come and how much I’ve grown. I know that I’ll get somewhere in the jetski industry and it will be the best.

Be excellent to each other,

Jessie Glennon

Jessie’s Excellent Jet Ski Adventures, a column written by 13-year-old Junior Ski US National Champion, Jessie Glennon. Jessie is well-known for her big heart and matching personality.