Motor Action Media gets an exclusive interview with the motor building wizard — Steve Webster, The Kommander of Kommander Industries. Steve takes some time from his busy day to tell us about what’s in the near future for Kommander Industries.
Motor Action Media: Steve, Kommander Industries is known world-wide as being one of the best engine-building companies. What did it take for you to build that reputation?
I have been very fortunate to be able to work with some amazing engine builders and tuners when I was growing up. The knowledge that I took away from those experiences along with lots of testing has allowed the team at Kommander Industries to earn this reputation.
MAM: Kommander Industries has supported some of the most talented racers in the industry. (And some of the winning-est) What is your role in helping people like Dustin Motz, and Jared Moore get on the top of the podium?
Well with Dustin and I basically come up with the motor package and build the complete ski for his 2 stroke race boats. I also coordinate all the travel and transportation for the entire team. I also build and maintain both his practice and race skis. With Jared, I am just a support guy. Jared builds all his own skis. He is not only a great rider but also a very skilled mechanic. We are a very tight team. We work together very well and everyone pitches in to help whenever needed. The success we have had with the Kommander Industries race team is a collective effort of everyone on the team.
MAM: You guys have been pumping out Motz-Edition SuperJets, what comes with this package, and who would you recommend it to?
We offer a few different packages depending on the customers needs. We have a spec for any class you are racing. We utilize all the parts that we use on our race skis. We offer Freeride, Stock, Stock Lites, Limited, Open and GP builds. I would recommend them to anyone looking for a reliable performance ski.
MAM: Kommander has been famous for building the fastest two-stroke stand ups. Since your partnership with Dustin Motzouris, Kommander has expanded into four-stroke stand ups and runabouts. Will there be more products for these machines coming from you guys in the future?
Since we have added the Yamaha Waverunner brand to our line up we have been developing additional items to suit the Yamaha brand. In addition to that, we have developed a few new race hulls and we are working on some additional new items that we will be releasing to the public soon.
MAM: You keep teasing us with sneak peeks of the Kommander K-1 hull. When can we hope to hear about this ski? How long has this project been in the works?
Honestly we have been working on the K1 hull starting back in May or April of 2014. We will have a test ski for Motor Action Media to try soon.
MAM: Kommander has also become a Yamaha dealer, yes? What machines do you have available for purchase to the public? Which ones do you recommend?
We have the full line of Yamaha Waverunners in stock. I would say at this point our most popular units have been the SuperJet, the FZR and the FX SVHO. I am sure as we get further into the season we will see more of the entry level units begin to move. The new Yamaha RIDE system is an incredible feature that I am sure will leave the competition scratching their heads.
MAM: What does it take to be on Team Kommander?
That’s a tough one to answer. We try and help as many racers as possible. I look for racers that I feel will represent Kommander Industries in a positive manner. We enjoy helping up and coming kids and families that are working hard to get the family to the races. We look for Expert and Pro riders that are clean cut, positive minded and have respect towards other racers and towards people in general.
MAM: What other things does Kommander have in store for 2015?
We are also the North American Distributor for the Burn Industries line of wetsuits, life vests and race apparel. We are working hard to develop that brand also.
MAM: What do you love most about being a part of the Jet Ski industry?
I just really enjoy the people. Its a great sport! We are very fortunate to be able to make living having fun in the sun.
MAM: Is there anyone you would like to thank?
I would like to thank all the Krew here at Kommander that make it what it is. Without the collective effort of everyone here at Kommander Industries we would not be able enjoy the success we have had. Brittanie Webster, Dustin Motzouris, Mandy Motzouris, Logan Tabor, Nick Funk, Joe Rykwalder, Jared Moore, Shante Bukes, Tyron Motzouris, Johan Bukes, Terry Moore, David and Kevin Redinger.