Jessie’s Excellent JetSki Adventures: Building the Dream

You may wonder what spunky things Jet Girls Racing does in their HQ or garage (whichever you prefer). Or how our Jet Skis stay blazing fast. I am going to tell you the secrets of the garage. Back towards the side of our beautiful house, is the place were Jet Skis are built, parts are installed, and dreams are built. There are so many Jet Skis, engines, and parts that they are practically coming out the window. The 2015 season is going to be action packed, but sadly I can’t tell you what our plans are because it’s a secret. On the weekends we have #ShopNights to make sure we have the best parts for our skis, and that any new “babies” have an engine in them and they are ready to race. The garage is another one of the things that brings my family together. We’ll work ’till midnight and later, putting new graphics on skis, installing bigger more awesome pipes, and sanding and buffing the skis to make them as smooth as silk, and that is what happens in the garage.


Be excellent to eachother,

Jessie Glennon

Jet Girl 888

Jessie’s Excellent Jet Ski Adventures, a column written by 13-year-old Junior Ski US National Champion, Jessie Glennon. Jessie is well-known for her big heart and matching personality.